about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

SketchUp Doghouse

Fang's house

This is my SketchUp doghouse this project was to teach us how to make exact measurements in SketchUp. We used exact measurements for our dog house base then added our own touch to make it our creative design. We also used the paint bucket tool to make grass and a roof texture on our project. To finish I used to Google SketchUp warehouse to put a dog and tree into my design.

Retro sketch up diner

                                      SketchUp diner


Our first project using Google SketchUp was to create a table and chairs in a room. I wanted to go with an old fashioned diner theme and also added a counter with stools to sit at. While doing this project we learned about the different tools in SketchUp and also how to use shortcuts in SketchUp to make our work go quicker. 

Struggles/ Triumphs

This project was a little frustrating because it is very hard to position things and make sure everything lines up. Some of the shapes are hard to make such as spheres making some parts of the project more  difficult. One of the cool features on sketch up is the paint bucket which allows you to add colors or patterns to your objects this made it very easy to get the colors I wanted. Overall the project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot that will help when working on other projects in SketchUp.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Writing my name

Writing my name

 This animation was made using the frame by frame tool on adobe Photoshop allowing us control how quick  the name is written. first we typed our name then turned it into pixels instead of text. then we erased the name backwards so we could reverse the frames and make it look like it is being written. We also added a effect at the end to give it a finished look.

10 word animation

Ten year animation.We worked on the photoshop timeline tool to animate our ten words that we have chosen to describe us. This tool allows us to animate things having to make all of the frames. the tool helps fill in in-between. the tool is a little hard t get the hang of but overall it is alot easier then frame by frame 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bouncing with arcs

This is my bouncing ball with arcs project that expands on the basic principles of squash and stretch while adding arcs. Most things that are natural don't move in a perfect line they move in a arc pattern. With this project we had to make our ball bounce and slow down until it eventually stops. Next we had to add our own twist to give it a finished look.  To find out more about animation go to this webpage