about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Pluasable Impossible

Micky Mouse pushing through a mirror into another dimension is impossible but plausible because the animation shows a lot of effort of him pushing the mirror making it look as if it is stretching to let him through. The mirror stretches as if Micky was pushing through jello or something similar and as he goes through it it snaps back into place and vibrates like a string pulled bak and let go adding to the realism. This makes it seem as if you actually can walk through mirrors with enough effort but this is impossible because mirror are solid objects and hard to the touch therefore anyone who pushes on a mirror would simply break it if pushing hard enough not go into another dimension.

The furniture being alive is a plausible impossible because the furniture looks as if it has human expression and is given emotion as if human and reacts to things such as Micky jumping on it in a life like way. by having expression and life but limited to its shape and perceived weight it looks as if the objects actually could be alive and using the actual look of the object to create areas for faces and legs also makes it realistic. This is impossible because furniture is an inanimate object created by humans that doesn't and can't have life or move or its own in a life like way.

Micky eating a nut and growing very large and then shrinking is plausible but impossible by making him grow in parts after looking sick from eating the nut and not growing all at once makes it look as if the nut is affecting him in a weird way. This gives off the feeling of food poising or like the nut is affecting his body internally in a weird way which is also shown by the expression on Micky's face. this is impossible because no matter how bad of food poising someone or something gets and no matter what they eat it will not cause rapid growth or shrinking and growth of single body parts at a time in such a drastic way is impossible as well due to the bone and body structure.
Micky being pushed by the deck of cards and going flying through the air is plausible but impossible because the way it shows the cards bending as if pushing against micky and the arcs used as the cards fly through the air gives it a realistic feel. This is impossible because cards cannot fly through the air on their own but also would not be able to push a mouse through the air in that way.

The cards taking their diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts off and throwing them is plausible but impossible because the cards are shown throwing them as if throwing another object with a follow through and all arm swing making it look realistic. The objects are also peeled off as if they are not fully part of the card making it appear as if is is something that might actually be able to happen. This is impossible though because the parts of a card do not peel off or come apart and can no be thrown.