about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

We stared our project learning about all of the different parts of type anatomy and how to identify the different parts of type. Next we took a online test to see what font fits us the best (shown left). My font was Architype Von Doesburg which came from the answers Emotional, assertive, progressive and disciplined. Next we used our font to type our name and label the parts of the font (show above). We found that you can identify a font by the parts and how the letters look. It was really cool to see how much goes into type and why people pick some fonts over another font. When most people look at a font they just think of it as a font not of all the work that went into making the font look good or why the font is there. Some fonts have a purpose such as many simple fonts have no fancy parts so they can be read from a long way away.

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