One valuable take away from this year in the leadership guarantee is learning how to step up and lead a group to keep everyone one track. During our video trailer project I was the director and had to step up and lead our group to make sure our video got done in time. I normal don't like to lead the group and it can be difficult depending on who is in your group but this is an important skill. Sometimes in life you will have to step up and be the leader. While leading my group I learned that sometime as the leader you can't make everyone in your group happy you have to do what is best for the group and what will help get stuff done.
Technical Skills
One valuable thing I have learned in the technical guarantee is learning how video filters can enhance the overall look of your video. Without video filter the coloring and lighting can have a drastic effect in how your clips look making them not look like the go together and are part of a complete film. Te use of video filters not only helps the video clips look like they belong together but also helps set the mood for scenes and make the film more interesting. While first learning how to apply filters to my videos I struggled with chasing which filter to use and how to color correct it and I also thought it took to much time and wasn't worth it. After seeing one of my videos with filters on it I was able to see how much of a difference it makes and that the time is worth it and it will help the overall video.
One valuable thing I have learned in the communication guarantee is learning how important communication is to the overall success of a project. At the beginning of the year all the groups I was in struggled with communication and it lead to a lot of confusion in who was supposed to do what, this made the projects hard to finish on time and there were a lot of rushed parts. For our final project my group did a great job communicating and it made things a lot easier because everyone knew what was going on each day and we all knew what was expected of us. Or shortfall got finished on time and we got everything we wanted done finished due in part to our communication making things easier.
Project Management
One valuable thing I have learned in the project management guarantee is learning how scheduling and having a project planed out before you start is very helpful and makes everything easier. When doing projects at the start of the year I wouldn't prepare for it as well as I should have and when doing my first entertainment video I didn't story board as much as I should have which made working on the project much harder and made it very difficult to complete the project on time. While working on the short film my group spent a lot of time on story boarding and planning out when we would shoot what making it very smooth from the start and helping us get everything done. Spending this extra time at the start made managing the project easy and helped us make our video higher quality.
One valuable thing I learned this year from the collaboration guarantee is that although collaboration might not always something I want to do it does help get projects dine faster and get higher quality of work. Almost every project this year we worked with one or multiple partners and although it may not have been my favorite thing I would not have been able to do the projects by myself. When a group works well together it makes everything about the project go faster and smoother but the group working well is not a one person thing everyone has to put effort into it.
Strengths and Weaknesses
My greatest strength would be that I can finish all my work in a timely manner and when I have things planned out I can get high quality work done in low amounts of time. I am efficient with my work and know how to manage my time well. My greatest strength would be sometime I am a perfectionist and will spend to much time on parts of the project and have unrealistic goals. This can cause frustration and often leads to having to rush at the end because I spent to much time on a single part. I have improved over the year because I have been able to keep a finished not perfect mindset allowing me to come back to things if I have extra time and not spend tons of time on them that I don't have.
In conclusion I e-comm this year has overall been very fun and informative but I would change a few things. If I were in charge I would outline expectations and deadlines at the start of each project instead of halfway through, I would also show student examples that worked and didn't work for each project at the start of a project. There are many thing I did enjoy about this year including many film projects and how even when the class wasn't fun and we couldn't see why we were having to do something we knew everything would ultimately help us and had some purpose.