about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How to Prolong a Frame


While working on videos sometimes it is necessary to freeze a frame and prolong it's time on the screen. This can be used in films to leave room for special effects, make things dramatic, or can add many other moods to the film. This relates to animation because when using special effects freezing the frame can be helpful and i recently used it while working with an explosive ending for one of my films.


This technique is useful to both ametures and professional because of its simplicity but still being helpful for a variety of uses. Any one can follow this tutorial and find out how to use this simple technique to enhance their films.

How to

1. Left click in the project box to import your clip that you are going to use.

2. Left click the clip and chose make composition out of selected to get your project started. 

3. Drag the time bar to the part of the clip you want it to freeze at.

4. Left click the clip and chose time then choose freeze frame. 

5. Your scene should be frozen now and where ever on the time line you look it should stay as the frame you wanted. 

6. Now drag the clip you are using into your compostiton again so that you now have the same clip in there twice.

7. Now on the time line drag the top clip's (non frozen one)
timeline so that it stops where you want the frame to freeze.

8. the clip now should play up until the freeze point 
where t will then end and the frozen frame will continue for how ever long you would like.

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