about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My House

My House

We have done multiple projects in Google sketchup and now have created a house! This project was much more challenging then any other project we have had this year.
We used many of the tools such as push pull, move, and much much more. We even used actually house plans to make sure our measurements were correct. After i had finished painting my house I added some Christmas lights for a seasonal flare. I used the SketchUp warehouse to add trees and a dog with a santa hat. Overall this project was alot of fun and was a little challenging.

My Website

My Website

We recently used Adobe Dream Weaver to create our own website! We made a website with our bio and also some of our best projects from this year. The project was a little frustrating but overall i thought it was easier than some of our other projects. I learned alot about how dreamweaver works.      

Saturday, November 28, 2015

SketchUp Doghouse

Fang's house

This is my SketchUp doghouse this project was to teach us how to make exact measurements in SketchUp. We used exact measurements for our dog house base then added our own touch to make it our creative design. We also used the paint bucket tool to make grass and a roof texture on our project. To finish I used to Google SketchUp warehouse to put a dog and tree into my design.

Retro sketch up diner

                                      SketchUp diner


Our first project using Google SketchUp was to create a table and chairs in a room. I wanted to go with an old fashioned diner theme and also added a counter with stools to sit at. While doing this project we learned about the different tools in SketchUp and also how to use shortcuts in SketchUp to make our work go quicker. 

Struggles/ Triumphs

This project was a little frustrating because it is very hard to position things and make sure everything lines up. Some of the shapes are hard to make such as spheres making some parts of the project more  difficult. One of the cool features on sketch up is the paint bucket which allows you to add colors or patterns to your objects this made it very easy to get the colors I wanted. Overall the project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot that will help when working on other projects in SketchUp.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Writing my name

Writing my name

 This animation was made using the frame by frame tool on adobe Photoshop allowing us control how quick  the name is written. first we typed our name then turned it into pixels instead of text. then we erased the name backwards so we could reverse the frames and make it look like it is being written. We also added a effect at the end to give it a finished look.

10 word animation

Ten year animation.We worked on the photoshop timeline tool to animate our ten words that we have chosen to describe us. This tool allows us to animate things having to make all of the frames. the tool helps fill in in-between. the tool is a little hard t get the hang of but overall it is alot easier then frame by frame 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bouncing with arcs

This is my bouncing ball with arcs project that expands on the basic principles of squash and stretch while adding arcs. Most things that are natural don't move in a perfect line they move in a arc pattern. With this project we had to make our ball bounce and slow down until it eventually stops. Next we had to add our own twist to give it a finished look.  To find out more about animation go to this webpage

Thursday, October 29, 2015

My personality traits

 My Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFP or Extravert, intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. None of my traits are largely dominate most of them are more neutral. This type is motivational and energetic while focusing on the possibilities and what how they can make things better. Famous people with this type are Robin Williams, Walt disney and Salvador Dali.

I think that my type does fit me such as there I am not very strongly to one side or the other.  I think that all of my letters and percents fit me. This help me know why some of things that happen such as high energy. Also the thought process of i think that i can change things and make them better is also common to my type.

When I am in groups i always tend to be the leader role or the one that checks to make sure everyone is getting their work done. This seems to be common to my type and fits me. In the past people seem to have thought of me as the one that can take notes and keep time or keep everyone on track but i am not very goo with deadlines and this dose not fit me.

Through this project I have learned more about how your personality traits can affect your behavior and how you act in groups. I have also learned that test like these are not always accurate and you can't rely to much on the results.      

We also took the LOGB test and my results were mainly otter and second highest was lion. These result say that i am a energetic and fun loving but also very competitive.                                                            

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bouncing ball

Bouncing ball

This is my first animation it is a bouncing ball to help us learn how to use squash and stretch to make an illusion of speed. we also learned how to use photoshop to animate and turn our frames into an animation. We used the gradient tool to  make our sphere and ground look more 3D and not just super flat and 2D. Then to do a little extra I added some features and made it look like Mike Wazowski from the movie Monsters Inc

To learn more bout squash and stretch check out this link
Animation 101

Monday, October 19, 2015

Colleges look at social media

Colleges start to check social media accounts

I recently read a article about the affect of your social media on your chance of getting into college. This article talks about how many colleges are starting to look at your social media accounts before letting you into their college. Many high school seniors work very hard to get applications done to colleges they want to attend and try to get their GPA up so that they will look better but they don't think about the fact that their social media accounts could ruin their chances. The things people do on their social media accounts can very easily affect their chance of acceptance to college especially if the college has lots of applicants and can afford to be choosey.

 What I found out may surprise you

The practice of checking an applicants social media is not routine at most colleges but is still always a possibility and can affect anyone. Many high school students are starting to clean pup their social media so that they will look better for colleges and arguing that this is no different then the efforts they already make to look better for college application. Many people might think that college admission officers are old but many are young and know how to use technology just as well as teens.

But what do we still not know

Even with lots of information given to us by this article there is still lots of information that we still have yet to find out about how colleges can use you social media accounts when look at accepting you to their college. Any online comment, picture, or any post could tamper your chance of acceptance to the college. Another surprising thing is that when looking at your social media the colleges do not nee to tell you that they looked at it. You could get denied by a college with no explanation for why.

What i will do about it 

I do not plan on changing my social media use at all with the information i have found. The reason for this is not that I don't think of this a important or something that wont affect me but i have know this information and already think about it when using social media. If I had not previously known this then i would be more careful about what I post and making sure that i think through what i am going to post before I post it.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


These are my photoshop projects that i have been working on the last few weeks. The one at the top we learned how to use the gradient tool and how to type words into a picture. This project was very difficult and took a long time but overall I learned a lot of useful things that will help in the future.
The second project we learned how to use the magnetic lasso to take out parts of a picture and place them somewhere else. We used this to take the raven head and place it in the picture of the school. Another thing we learned was how to use the magic eraser and get rid of part of a picture.  Our 3rd project we learned how to fade type and crop our pictures to get rid of unneeded area. Our 4th project was all about how to change the hue and color of areas in a picture and then to duplicate using the clone stamp

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Personal logo

This is my personal logo that i made through adobe illustrator. The goal of working on this project was to learn the symbolism of different shapes and colors and use them in our work. the green in the logo represents go or progress and helps to give the message that progress is being made. The letters L, B and L are my initials making the logo represent me and my brand. The points on the boxes represent the unevenness you see in the world not defining the brand to a single uniform product but an array of different products. A box is put the middle to stabilize the four outer sections while also connecting them and bring the four part into one logo. Together many elements must come together to make a good logo that can be recognized.

Monday, September 21, 2015

This throwing star was made in adobe illustrator using the pathfinder tool. Pathfinder allows you to combine shapes together in many ways so that you can make many new shapes. It was a lot of fun trying to figure out the many great ways to make a brand new shape. Lots of trial and error was involved to make everything just right. This is the final product which took a lot of time but looks great and worth all the hard work.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

We stared our project learning about all of the different parts of type anatomy and how to identify the different parts of type. Next we took a online test to see what font fits us the best (shown left). My font was Architype Von Doesburg which came from the answers Emotional, assertive, progressive and disciplined. Next we used our font to type our name and label the parts of the font (show above). We found that you can identify a font by the parts and how the letters look. It was really cool to see how much goes into type and why people pick some fonts over another font. When most people look at a font they just think of it as a font not of all the work that went into making the font look good or why the font is there. Some fonts have a purpose such as many simple fonts have no fancy parts so they can be read from a long way away.

Friday, September 4, 2015

creative color wheel

This amazing color wheel was made from a blank slate by me on adobe illustrator. The program lets you do amazing things and is great for creating your own art work. This color wheel starts with the traditional color wheel colors around the outside but with a new twist on how they are displayed. then we have a layer of black whit and gray that are need if you want to darken or lighten a pure color. finally we get to the center circle which displays all of the color wheel colors with black white and gray.

This project stared out with just a boring normal color wheel then we thought about how we could improve it and make it more appealing to look at. Then we edited it to make sure we had it just the way that wanted and had classmates give there opinions on the final project.

I learned so much during this project  like how to rotate shapes and change there sides to make new shapes. Another great thing i learned is how to use the live paint bucket tool to color in individual shapes. I also got to experiment with the different features offered by adobe illustrator and found how much great ways to edit your work there is.

If i were to do this project again i would edit the shapes first because the editing can mess up some of the colors making it to where you have to redo them. What I would keep the same is how the color wheel is laid out with it's different layers.

In conclusion this was a super fun project and an awesome way to learn how adobe illustrator works. I had a lot of points where things got confusing but in the end it was all worth it to make this color wheel and it will help me on future projects.

Friday, August 21, 2015

What is graphic design to me

Graphic design is not simply art on computers to me it is a way to express yourself and your ideas or even make a statement about something. With graphic design you have the freedom to chose what you want it to be about and what you want it to mean and it can mean anything that you can imagine. One of the things that really interests me about graphic design is that it is used in anything and everything around us from food packaging to posters. Without graphic design our world would be boring. Graphic design is a form of art and all people should think of it as that no matter how simple it looks there is probable lots of though behind it and the meaning is significant to its creator.

learn more on this website