about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Feature Story

What I Did 

For my latest project I did a feature story on the affect of new teachers on the school environment. This topic seemed interesting to me due to the fact that we have lots of new teachers this year in part because of our new principle. I interviewed 3 students on what they think new teachers are brining to the classroom and what they think these teachers can improve on.

The Process 

Pre interview

To create this video I had to first brainstorm a topic and decided what angle I was going to take on the story. This was one of the most difficult parts since there are so many topics to chose from and the angle you can take on your video drives everything that comes after including the interview and final project. Next I set up my interviews and started to brainstorm questions for my interview keeping in mind the angle 


During my interview I had to find good angles for the camera and make sure there wasn't to much headroom while filming. The most difficult part of the interview was making sure I got enough footage for my video and was able to cover everything I needed.

Post interview 

After the interview I had to film B roll and create and record a voice over to put in my video. finally edit the video and sound to make it a complete feature story. I then exported my video and posted it to my Youtube account.


This video was a lot of fun to film and helped me learn a lot about how to set up and conduct an interview. I also was able to learn a lot about how much natural sound can add to a video and how J and L edits really help add appeal to a video. My favorite part of my video is my interview clip, I feel like they are good quality and i was able to use them to tell my story. If i could go back and fix anything I would film more B roll.

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