about me

My 10 words are Maximizer, Significance, Strategic, Command, Competition, Artistic, Creative, Stubborn, Preparation, Intelligent.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to Create a J and L Edit

What they are for

J and L edits are used to make videos more interesting to watch by putting B roll over an interview sound byte so the viewer does not have to watch someone talk for long amounts of time.

 What is a J and L Edit

A J edit is when a sound byte has been playing from an interview and you have been watching someone talk but then it changes to a B roll clip but the person's voice from the interview is still going and you are still hearing there response. A L edit is similar but occurs at the start of the interview sound byte. you are watching B roll when the voice starts form the interview sound byte but B roll still plays over it then changing to the interview vide after a while.

How to

To create a J or L edit the first step is to have video from an interview and video for B roll.

Next import them both into the video editing program you will use.

Then drag the video into you time line to prepare to edit. (shown below)

Now that you have the clips we want to use you need to unlink the video from the audio so they can be moved independently form one another.
Then create you L edit by clipping part of your interview video at the beginning off and deleting it. Then move your B roll video into this space (shown below). Line up the audio from your b roll under the audio of the interview and make sure to turn the volume level down so the interview can be heard over it. If done properly when you play the video the interview sound will be over B roll

As seen above the videos overlap each other.

Now to create a J edit you delete a small amount off the end of the interview video, delete it and move the B roll clip into this space once again you must put the B roll audio under the Interview audio and turn the volume level down. (seen below)

Thats the end now you know how to create J and L edits and can make your videos much more interesting to view which will extend your audiences. 

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